What do you collect..

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Sep 24, 2009
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Mud n Ruts! I'm there!
I understand if you dont want to post expensive or rare items, but just to see what like minded people like us enjoy to collect.

I like collecting stubby holders, in particular i buy one every town i stop at, even if a town or place has 2 or 3 or more il buy em as long as there different.

C'mon dont be shy show us what ya got.
About the only thing I collect is cd's and dvd's and they are a bit hard to photograph, although they are documented for insurance purposes.

I accumulate many other things, like computer gear, magazines and other general junk but that's not really a collection.
Old Kawasakis - Little ones



Nah, no denial. 1 is mine 2nd is for my first born 3rd is for my second born 4th is a massive project im tackling and 5th is a parts car for one of the previous cars, but problem is its too good of a body to throw away.
I want asking you to collect them I was asking you to explain to one of them why collecting lures is justified.

After getting one missus no bloke in their right mind would try and collect them.
If only the damn things caught as many fish as they did fisherman we'd all be able to justify the ridiculous numbers we own.

I have never fished with soft plastics, always used fresh/frozen bait. Don't know why I've never tried, probably because they weren't around when I was a kid.

So you just use them in the same scenario's you would use normal bait? No special area's/types of fishing? What's a good general purpose soft plastic? Might give it a go.
There is no general answer. Different lures are for different purposes. We use poppers on the beach on one hook I'd reckon 8 out of 10 times a salmon will hook the popper not the bait. Sure after 20 mins in the surf the bait might have come off and the popper is all that is left but either way they do work. Although they aren't great for shark we have hooked a shark on one at Golden Beach and even a Skate at paradise Beach.

Down at Mallacoota we use mostly squidgeys and while Starlo and Bushy spent ages telling you which squidgey to sue in which part of Mallacoota my fishing has proven to me that as long as you have a variety you will get fish because they all work. Different colours at different times of days but shape is not really an issue to the fish down there I have caught them on any squidgey I've pulled out of the bag.

There is a million different lures out there, just go into to super cheap fishing (BCF) and see how many they sell. There is soft, hard, jig, all sorts but they all have recommendations for the type of fishing they are good for. For me Squidgeys still work the best in lakes and estuarys for Bream and Flathead and poppers work good in the surf.
If its anything like ours take a cut lunch, our BCF has a wall 15 meters long and 2 meters high with just lures on it. God knows where they get them all from but they could nearly halve their stock value by getting rid of them.
I've never seen a forum where the members are able to stray off topic so quickly and so often. :stop: :big_smile:
Tell ya story walkin fellas and take it to the fishin thread