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    • Billy54
      Billy54 replied to the thread Petrol in fuel tank.
      Do not start or drive your truck, get it towed to the mechanics and he will flush the tank.
    • Billy54
      Billy54 replied to the thread Undoing electrical plugs..
      'The older we get, the more brittle we become' There is your answer. As you get older getting anything IN or OUT becomes harder;)
    • Billy54
      Billy54 reacted to Mikevp44's post in the thread Undoing electrical plugs. with Like Like.
      My experience is that they are difficult and I'm sure other forum members will agree. I have had mixed outcomes as you have had however...
    • Billy54
      Plastic smart Bar. light weight[no need to beef front suspension] strong, flexible, mounting points for driving lights and arials,looks...
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