Queensland Navara Dodgy Mechanics Days

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Just found this thread, Sound like a great idea. I am defiantly interested. Hopefully i will have my bash plates by the 22/23rd.
well im good for the weekend coming and the next which is the 22-23rd but the 28-29 i will be in noosa relaxing with the wife. so im good for the 22-23rd if ray doesnt wanna blow his $$ on the races.

i will call John early next week and get my $$ down on a set for mine. Also just sent my $$$$ away for the ChipIt Chip so will see that mid next week aswell WOOHOO. now to organise the dump pipe :S.

well we got 2 offers to pick them up so whoever it is it would be sweet.

Alrite so, today was my only day of relaxing I have until our mechanics day,if its the Saturday 22nd. So I spent the day down at torq4x4 at a Nissan Patrol working bee day. Which is like our mechanics day just they had the added advantage of car hoists and tools etc in a workshop environment. It was a brilliant idea and I even got the nav on the hoist for oil change and maintenance check of everything underneath. No damage or wear to take note of. Great bunch of blokes and if we could get a workshop environment setup it would be sweet. Basically they selected 1-2 things that have been on the to do list and it gets done. whether it be wiring spotties, doing lift kit install, repacking wheel bearings, exhaust installs and repairs.

I'm not saying what we have available is not enough which it is more then what we need. but for the next day if anyone can get a hold of a workshop with hoists and stuff it could be an added bonus.

Yep, I'm ok for the Sat 22nd and 23rd if need be. Just be warned, I don't have a hoist or anything like that. :big_smile: But I have got a big deck ( DECK!), and BBQ ready to go. So if anyone needs specialised tools, make sure you bring 'em. Gees, I'd better clean the shed out a bit, its a MESS.
Ordering my Toyota airbox Monday, and will find out how John wants payment for the plates.

Oh, and where am I?
18-26 Teresa Drive
Munruben. 10 mins south Browns Plains. 38020972. http://maps.google.com.au/maps?hl=e...code_result&ct=title&resnum=1&ved=0CBsQ8gEwAA
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if i remember, or if someone reminds me closer to the date, i'll throw my ramps in the car and bring them down for the day. makes installing bash plates ALOT easier.

and i'm totally free that weekend!
I'll throw my ramps in aswell. My dad made these ramps a long time ago when he got his first car. They are still I'm original condition and have been built to hold a tank.

I am gonna ring john Monday or Tuesday about payment. I get paid Tuesday so it'll work out good. Think plates arrive at his house Wednesday.

Ray the hoist idea was just to put it out there if someones father is a mechanic or something that we can use workshop for a day and grease stuff etc. When I get my own house and shed I WILL be putting a hoist in.

ok my payment on a set of plates has been to zordo.

wont see them for another week and a half :( (fitting day). we had a couple of people putting hands up for pickup from zordo on way here. we may need to start organising numbers of plates so they know how mnay they are picking up form john.

i will start a pickup list. just quote this and add your name once payment is sent etc

Bashplate Pickup List:
Good stuff Russ. I've got 2 sets of ramps, axle stands, drills, grinder, assorted tools etc. I'm just quickly tossing up whether to do the bashplate now or put that money towards the airbox/snorkel install first, decisions decisions.
ok my payment on a set of plates has been to zordo.

wont see them for another week and a half :( (fitting day). we had a couple of people putting hands up for pickup from zordo on way here. we may need to start organising numbers of plates so they know how mnay they are picking up form john.

i will start a pickup list. just quote this and add your name once payment is sent etc

Bashplate Pickup List:
Good stuff Russ. I've got 2 sets of ramps, axle stands, drills, grinder, assorted tools etc. I'm just quickly tossing up whether to do the bashplate now or put that money towards the airbox/snorkel install first, decisions decisions.

It's up to you ray. If it were me I would do the airbox and snorkel first. A while engine is worth a lil more then a dinted sump. Plus the more heads on the day talking about the box the better. Bashplates are easy install Nd I'm only 10mins away to give you a hsnd to fit them.

Fzrr the plates are cad drawn and apparently have been fitted to both models. For a small $230 compared to one plate from other brands I don't mind finding out

Yeah, my thinking as well. I don't know if I will have the snorkel by then, but the airbox on its own will be a job I think. Things have to be moved, got to find adapters, make mounts etc, eeeeek, will be some head scratching for me thats for sure, :big_smile:
Actually, I'd do snorkel then bash plates, then airbox. The engine will run fine without doing the airbox mod. But snorkel will protect the engine from water ingress, and I'd be alot more worried about a dinted sump than anything else.

And I've gotta ask, How big is the gain for the 80 series airbox mod on the petrol engine? I know it's good for the diesel, simply because of our stock airbox design, but I'm not entirely sure about the benefits for the petrol.
From what I've read about both the diesel and petrol box, both are a little restrictive, and increasing the volume/filter area can only be a good thing. Couple that with a snorkel and its win/win. Scotty was saying that when he did the snorkel job on its own before the airbox mod on his V6, he actually lost a little power. The guys on the Frontier forum are pretty unanimous that the freer flowing Volant, Nismo etc type airbox designs are less restrictive than standard, not huge gains of course.

For $100.00 and a bit of stuffing around, I'm all for trying anything to get the V6 to breathe a bit better.
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i think its still on. should have my snorkel by then.
all i need is an address to turn up to.
And if i should bring some bread or snags or anything
I've sent payment to Zordo for a bashplate. I'll know mid week if i'll be able to make it on Saturday otherwise i'll just pick it up myself.
i might be able to make it saturday, I've got a holesaw for your snorkel install :D
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is it 90mm?
i might have one but have to check.
if someone else going has one it would be appreciated.
89 or 92mm i forget, used it to fit my snorkel, used only that once so its razor sharp still.

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