Vortex "Premium Diesel"

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Thought this stuff had been around for a while and it was discussed in one of the fuel threads but I could be wrong.
I tried some from in Brisbane. I was only driving along the motorway but I noticed a fair difference in power after I filled up and it seems to have continued a bit of power into another tank of normal diesel so i'd say it does clean it out a bit.
Ive noticed it idles a bit smoother aswell
the servo closest to my house is a caltex and i use it 90% of the time, but i dont notice any difference when i use any other brand of fuel e.g less power or erratic idle. this might be that it works so well my injectors are as clean as they can be, so a tank or two of other diesel doesnt effect it. i guess i will never know for sure, unless my injectors block up.
ok cool, thanks for your input lads.

I'll give it a shot next tank and see how we go.
Hey mate, the vortex has been around for a couple years. Well since I've owned my nav. first few tanks a noticed a difference in all areas and now I don't notice a thing. My injectors are prob sparkling clean so they are at the best they can be. If you find a few caltex woolworths servo you can save a few bucks with the fuel vouchers. I'm lucky I have 3 within same distance from my house. It just which one I want. If I feel like a change the BP ultimate diesel is the same.
I allway's use it and love it. The local, well near enough BP doesn't have the 98 atm so I bypass them. Anyhoo 98 Caltex is great, the truck flies std.
I've been trying to get the final word on that for some time Jason. I haven't been able to get a final answer on it yet. But I am pretty sure the answer is no bio.
Pretty sure its no bio. It's normal diesel just filtered better and with additive already in it. Well that's what I think :S
i have just found out that using caltex vortex diesel makes my engine a little noisy.
I put a tank of BP in yesterday and the rattle or ping that my motor had is all but gone. the rattle was so loud before that i could hear it over the radio, now i cant hear it with the radio off.

i had got to the point of thinking i had a faulty injector or something. I had nissan look at it i was that concerned but now its all good.

bottom line is i will not be using vortex diesel all the time any more and if i have to i will try and mix it with as much BP diesel as possible.
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i get better economy from vortex. i use it when ever i can

yeah im yet to see how the economy is with the BP as i have almost always used the vortex, my wife works for woolies so i have a discount card and there is a caltex 500m up the road.
the only reason i changed was that i was experimenting trying to get rid of the injector rattle that was really loud, and seemed to be getting worse. I found i couldnt block it out any more, the radio was getting turned up louder and louder....:sarcastic:
They reckon 2 stroke oil does the trick...i cant verify that though

I keep saying that i will try it but Haven't as yet, i will just have to give it a go. It would be good to see if it works or what difference it makes. Do you know if there is any side effects from using it, like blocking up the injectors.
Haven't noticed any more noise outa the vortex myself. I add Chemtec and it goes great eh.
Hmm, just finished a trip away where some of the fills were caltex vortex, so will do the figures ad see if here is any difference in fuel economy. There was certainly a greater hle in the wallet each time.

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