Adding 2-Stroke oil to Diesel

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I have bought the castrol 2 stroke oil and was going to put some in but my mate works for Fortron (they sell engine oil and fuel products), he said the amount of money that they spend to develop and test a product was unbelivable and if i chuck this stuff in my car i would be a retard. So i was waiting to see what happens to old tonys nav over time.
If I chuck this stuff in my car i would be a retard.

Nuff said. :rofl2:

I don't see how it could make much of a difference on the newer diesel engines, but then I am no diesel mechanic. This might be a thing which has stemmed for the Mech Injection days and has been going through the grape vine.
I know a bloke who has an old tractor (no, not a D22) and runs it half on diesel half on crude oil. The thing pushes hard for what it is and loves the crude more than straight diesel.

I guess that is your next test Krankin. If crude oil (light) affects power and economy :rofl2:
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Consider me a believer.

A mate's 09 D40 had very stubborn idle and fuel pressure issues and the dealer was about to change fuel rail and injectors, but then we tried adding two stroke as a last resort 5 months ago.

Not an error or hiccup since.
If someone's waiting for my Nav to drop dead from 2-stroke, you'll be waiting a while.

My car purrs. It blows NO smoke at all, even under full acceleration. It gets 10.6LPHK on a highway cycle weighing 2700kg (that's 700Kg more than factory, and only 0.1LPHK more fuel). I've read elsewhere that the best the 09 auto can get is about 12LPHK - mine must be an anomaly, because that's the second time I've managed figures like that.

And I did it without adding 2-stroke, which hasn't been in my vehicle for some months now.

Is 2-stroke worth it? I think marginally it might be. Will it cause damage to the motor?

I doubt it. Not if you use the right type.
well, I was about to test an old supercharged V16 GM diesel engine, but,:confused2:

I worked on one of those years ago.

The mines had it rebuilt, switched it on and the supercharger blew and a turbo blew to.

After that happened, the mines scrapped it and we got to play with it.

I am not a believer in the 2 stroke thing, maybe in something like a SD33 or a 2H.

Newer motors are designed for the lower sulpher fuel.
Newer motors are designed for the lower sulpher fuel.

i think that saying is incorrect.

all diesel are built for the certain diesel grade. diesel fuel has always been made to that grade regardless of sulfur content.
the only differences is that new fuel meats the minimum requirements while the old fuel was already well above the minimum requirements.

new diesels have much tighter tolerances and are far more susceptible to damage.

so we have gone from engines that handled poor fuel ok and fuel that was well above spec so it took a lot to get it under spec. so over all you could get away with poor, watered down, contaminated fuel. which was pretty much the norm.

so now we have a double whammy, the engines cannot handle poor fuel and the fuel is bare minimum spec, so a small amount of contamination drops the fuel well below spec.
its no wonder there is no many problems with modern diesels.

new engines are not designed for the poor diesel that people are used to using.

so using things like 2 stroke on modern motors is more important now that it was many years ago.
If 2 stoke is such an added bonus why is it that fuel companies who are accused of everything from collusion to corruption to price fixing aren't offering "2 Stroke enriched diesel" as an alternative fuel source for a premium cost?

Surely the price they could get from suckers for laced diesel would be easily 10-20 cents per litre higher than normal diesel and if they feed off tricking consumers in every other way why would they not do such a simple thing to bolster their own bottom lines further?

Could it be that they too don't believe there is enough people who believe in the mystical benefits.
so where then IS all this poor fuel??? I drive many K's every day and I fail to see broken down worn out or stopped from contaminated fuel diesel engined vehicles all over the fact I see NONE.

Are not modern fuel pumps designed for the fuel available at the pump now ??
Someone must be putting 2 stroke oil in my tank while I am asleep then.

241,000's on my Nav and the injection pump is fine.
If 2 stoke is such an added bonus why is it that fuel companies who are accused of everything from collusion to corruption to price fixing aren't offering "2 Stroke enriched diesel" as an alternative fuel source for a premium cost?
i would think price is an issue. they use the cheapest possible additives they can get away with using. as long as it passes minimum specs that govt set, its your problem.

we have had plenty of times where heaps of vehicles all start leaking diesel at the same time. workshops where just filled to the max.
just faulty fuel but it all past minimum specs.

the other big one would be emission standards. i doubt 2 stroke is all that emission friendly.

so where then IS all this poor fuel???

sitting in workshops being fixed.
we have had plenty on tv over the last year. from hiluxs with stuffed injectors to some other brand that even had rusted water filter but sensor never went off.
plenty on forums with stuffed injection systems. with some all being from the same gas station!
reports of gas station owners dumping petrol out of incorrectly filled cars into the stations diesel tank.
Are not modern fuel pumps designed for the fuel available at the pump now ??
they always have been.
the problem is the new pumps are more susceptible and at the same time the fuel lube quality has dropped from great to bare minimum.

Someone must be putting 2 stroke oil in my tank while I am asleep then.

241,000's on my Nav and the injection pump is fine.

if your always at good gas stations you will have no problem.
i've had water in the filter twice.

have a look at pics of injectors/glow plugs pulled out of engines running 2T. they are clean compared no 2T.
Is this huge poor fuel thing just an NZ thing or???

I mean a couple of cases on a forum aint exactly the end of the world

and rotten garage owners mixing their own concoctions aint the modern diesel engines fault...
really this rotten fuel is another topic entirely as 2 stroke wont fix rotten mixed up diesel .

and we cant all just keep driving 60's oil burners forever.
Is this huge poor fuel thing just an NZ thing or???

I mean a couple of cases on a forum aint exactly the end of the world

and rotten garage owners mixing their own concoctions aint the modern diesel engines fault...
really this rotten fuel is another topic entirely as 2 stroke wont fix rotten mixed up diesel .

and we cant all just keep driving 60's oil burners forever.

I think there's a lot of fuel over here in Aus that's not quite up to spec.

With some of the outlets, they haven't been mixing fuel, the bloody drivers of the tankers take on 2000 litres of bio and 8000 litres of diesel and deliver that. It's possible then for the tanker drivers to be adding other shit as well, and the servo owner is oblivious to it!

The thing with these forums is that we are the tip of the iceberg. Not everyone in the world is a nerd, some people think the computer is a tool for some geek with 6 pens in his shirt pocket and enough hair oil to leave a stain from Sydney to Melbourne without missing a beat.

So if there are a few incidents reported in the forum, you'd (statistically) consider that there are a great many more to be found in the remainder of the population.

As for 2-stroke fixing diesel ... no, it can't remove water or other junk that makes its way into the fuel, but it can modify the combustion characteristics to improve its behaviour. That is what I've noticed - slightly improved economy. Enough to be noticed over several tanks of fuel, ruling out the notion of driving habits changing for the duration of the test.

I still have about 3 litres of Castrol Activ 2T and was just thinking earlier today I might put some in - about 500ml now, because I have a 150L tank.

The reason for me NOT using it is not so much that it's not worthwhile - it's more a matter of apathy. I'll happily go and do some work to help someone out, but to save $3 here or there, I can't give a stuff.

Maybe I should get a job that pays less.
Have any of the naysayers in this thread actually tried it and seen negative effects?
nz fuel is fairly crap, tho far better since the anti smoking law came out and fuel co imported half decent stuff. i swear we still get rejected fuel from other countries.

but from what i hear OZ is far far worse. but your auto industry is brainwashed into thinking that smoky diesels are good diesels. so its not going to change anytime soon.

it not just a couple of cases on a few forums, its lots on forums, it even makes the tv news.
also need to consider that most late model vehicle owners are the older age group who generally do not participate in online forums.

we have had several notion wide lots of contaminated fuel before which blew up engines and caused a few maritime incidents. most where paid out by fuel co's.

and rotten garage owners mixing their own concoctions aint the modern diesel engines fault...
really this rotten fuel is another topic entirely as 2 stroke wont fix rotten mixed up diesel .
no its not the engines fault but its still cost you 10-20k for a new injection system.
if your lucky you can get insurance to cover it. over here insurance does not cover it and petrol stations deny it al together. so your caught between a rock and a hard place.
its up to you to make sure your engine lasts as its you who will be paying for the repairs.

2T certainly can fix rotten fuel, depending on how bad it is of course. the lube test done in the states shows that.

have a read through some countries which have 3rd world fuel supplies. 2T is a very common fix.

also do not forget that a few truck manufactures run lossy oil systems. they inject engine oil into the diesel. the comments i've seen is they rarely ever have injector faults. but they do suffer combustion chamber fouling as engine oil is not made to burn clean like 2T is.

edit: to add i think it was a hilux forum somewhere where they where regularly changing injectors. with 2T they had no injectors problems.
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Have any of the naysayers in this thread actually tried it and seen negative effects?

speaking of that. i've have not seen anyone say its caused a problem. a few said it made no difference. i have not been able to find what was different with their engines. tho most where older engines.
As i mentioned previously, I had a mates sputtery D40 transform into a purring kitten, by just adding 2t.

I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't experienced it myself.
i would think price is an issue. they use the cheapest possible additives they can get away with using. as long as it passes minimum specs that govt set, its your problem.

Why would price be an issue, consumers have been duped for years. Fuel companies were allowed to charge extra for leaded fuel over unleaded in an effort to convince people unleaded was the way of the future. Then came the premium fuels and again the fuel companies were able to get away with charging a higher price because they were able to convince people of the benefits of premium fuel over standard fuel.

Adding oil in the quantities spoken about here would cost the oil companies next to nothing yet they'd easily be able to charge those they can convince of the benefits 10-20c more per litre because they'd use the same scare tactics that the writers of these theories use.

Given people keep suggesting the government of this country is so naive and led by the greens why haven't the fuel companies pushed the political angle and convinced the government of the environmental benefits of oil in diesel and pushed for a mandate like they did with unleaded fuels. Surely if they were convinced it worked and could easily add it to their fuels for a marked up price hitting such a weak government would be an easy task.

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