Talk about being depressed!

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Mar 8, 2010
Reaction score
Coffs Harbour
G'day lounge lizards!

As previously advised, my wife and I have been married for 22 years, in that period I have never been admitted to hospital or suffered from any serious injury.

However, over the last 18 months the following has occurred to me;

October 2011 Firstly, due to sudden excruciating pain that occurred in the arse! (a large pimple i thought that could be cured by panadol and a few beers!!!!!!) I was suddenly rushed to the Coffs Harbour hospital suffering from a perianal abscess with a temp of 40 degrees. (So much for the pimple idea!)

November 2011, this then led me to be hospitalized for 4 months due to the dreaded (what i called the Gaddafi abscess) attacking my pelvic floor muscle resulting in a perianal fistula (What a shit-full experience that was)

December 2011, After fighting for my life due to a bowl obstruction, I was then flown by the royal flying doctors from Baringa private hospital in Coffs to Greenslopes hospital in Brisbane. I was then diagnosed with the dreaded Crohns disease (what a pisser i said and by the way what the fark is Crohns disease i said!)

January 2012, I was further advised that I have to have Remicade infusions every eight weeks for the rest of my life (thank your mother for the rabbits I said!)

February 2012, I then tore the ligament in my left wrist whilst installing the suspension kit to the Patrol, it took eight weeks to recover (fark me swinging I said )

March 2012, the specialist advises me that due to the many abscesses in my bowel that I should consider having my whole bowel removed. (“Like farkkkk I said”)

April 2012, I then tore a muscle in my right shoulder whilst working on my camper trailer; this took four weeks to recover. (holy sho-molly, What am i doing wrong i said)

June 2012, wife tells me that we are expecting child number three (farkkkkkk meeeeee I said very calmly)

July 2012, I went out to the local watering hole with a few mates to celebrate/ (commiserate) the stunning/ (shocking) news that a 51 year old love-beast can still throw a leg! This turned into a disaster. After 3 hours of drinking the wife came to pick me up, I fell into the car. Got home and then fell out of the car. smashing my face on the drive-way!

I went to bed, got out of bed after 2 minutes due to the bed started to spin, staggered into our en suite and spent the next two hours driving the porcelain bus (the toilet bowl.) I still cannot remember what happened next only to say I woke up throwing up all over the Para-medic. (I still cannot remember the wife hitting me with frying pan!!!!!!!)

Apparently, the wife alleges, that she heard one almighty crash, when she entered the bathroom she found me unconscious on the floor covered in blood surrounded by broken glass everywhere. As a nurse she could not stop the bleeding so she called the ambulance.

All I remember is that one sore and sorry love beast being taken to hospital whilst throwing up in a bucket. 12 hours and 18 stitches later, I was finally discharged and sent home.

September 2012, the sleep specialist informs me that now have been diagnosed with sleep apnea ( i am thinking to myself there goes the money for the turbo upgrade and 3 inch exhaust!)

December 2012, Crohns disease specialist at the Wesley Hospital in Brisbane advise me that my Crohns is in remission and that i can have the shit bag removed and my bowel reconnected in Jan 2013. Ye Ha Cape York here i come baby!

January 2013, unable to perform surgery on bowel, due to timing of Crohns infusion treatment! My wife and I are advised my operation to be rescheduled to 11th March. I am starting to wounder if i am going to make Cape York in August! (I just want to get this shit-bag removed!)

February 2013 my nightmare begins all over again!, I have been having trouble breathing through my nose over the last 6 months, so i visited my local ear, nose and throat specialist on the 1st of Feb only to be informed that i need surgery to remove polyp's that have blocked my sinuses. Operation planned for April. ( i am thinking to myself what more can go wrong!)

Also over the last twelve months, i having be suffering from chronic neck pain, i thought this was due to me sleeping on my left side. Due to bowel surgery and having a shit-bag attached to my right side resulting in me now sleeping on my right side. I go to the docs, he sends me for a CT scan, i go back to the docs on the 8th Feb only to be shocked by doc, who advises me that he has more bad-news and i need surgery to correct C5/6 discs which have narrowed to the extent they are impinging on my cervical cord. Farken great i said, I am thinking to myself, i still cannot remember breaking any mirrors over the last 12 months.

Sunday 10th Feb, i wake up with chronic pain in the arse! the same area that i had the dreaded abscess 14 months ago. Folks, my sense of humor has now faded, I went to the docs on Monday 11th Feb, DOC organised me for another MRI scan at Coffs Harbour Radiology on Wednesday 13th Feb, at same time rushed me into see my bowel surgeon on Friday 15th Feb.

Folks, when it comes to luck, (i feel like a one legged man in an arse kicking competition!) I have just been advised by the surgeon that i need another operation on my bowel next week! I am absolutely farken stunned at present! I have further been advised that i cannot have the stoma bag removed in March because the bloody Crohns disease as come back! fark it, i am really stating to hate this disease now!

On top of all this, what really hurts even more, is that my wife and I are due to have our 3 child in the next two weeks and at present for the first time in my life, i really feel like i have hit a brick-wall! I just feel like going down to the local knackers yard and say boy's put me down!


Paul (RLI)
Wow man not good at all, you must be due for a tattslotto win I reckon, good luck with the new addition and I hope things sort themselves out for you!
Hi Paul
Not good mate. The wifes got Crohns and she is in agony every day. She has been having trouble since we had boy#3 (so about 3 yr now) and the Docs have just finally confirmed the Crohns diagnosis. (after countless colonoscopies and gastroscopies amd CT scans and numerous GP visits). She has just joined up to the Crohns and Colitis Australia association to try and find out more info. Any info you might be able to help with the Crohns would be exceptionally helpful for her. Hope things go well with your latest addition.
Hey Paul, I wish you all the best with your recovery and new addition on the way. I'm not sure how this will be taken as we don't know each other personally, but try to remember that you will have much silent support along with family and friends. I know two people (family and friend) who were diagnosed with crohns about ten years ago. Yes it was and has been a big adjustment for them both but with time, support and understanding have maintained a great quality of life with some mishaps which will eventually end up being stories for the grand kids :) again all the best and keep your chin up.
Chin up, shagger. From what I've read of your story, I can tell you're a tough bastard and nothing will keep you down.

If you are feeling depressed, make sure you talk to your quack - you've got plenty to choose from!
shit news Paul but as Bullwinkle said make sure you talk to someone about how your feeling. I guess coming on hear and telling us monkey's is good start tho!! and i hope we give you some sort of usefull advise??
we wish all the best for your next lot of ops and hopefully they fix it this time!! also maybe you new bundle of joy will give you a new lease of life!

That is an awful 18 months. It can't keep going, so just look forward to it being over.
fark mate, thats shitty, pardon the pun. Hope things start coming good soon, got bub #3 on the way so thats gotta brighten things. All the best, thoughts are with you and your family.
Mate when you were born and they were handing out luck, they thought you said get f'd, so you got none.

That's a real bad deal, I hope things improve markedly for you very soon.
Geez Paul....! Talk about kicking a man while he's down.
Hope everything turns out ok mate! Between all these farkups I have no idea how you get time and energy to work on the car, plan the cape trip and still have time with your family...... Little own throwing the leg over....! Wow....!!
When we hit the tip mate there will definitely be a few cold ones to celebrate a massive year.
Keep your chin up and don't let anyone tell you that you can't do something including the docs.
Once at the bottom mate, the only way is up!!
Have been following your awesome patrol build and you are one tough nut. Stay positive. Our thoughts are with you and your family. Good luck with it all and keep us updated.
G'day Trendsetter's,

I am prepared to give away my Nissan Patrol, Camper trailer and all of my fishing gear for a cure to the basted bowel problem that i have. I am farken piss-off from constantly suffering being fatigued and depressed. I will even thrown in all of my work-shop tools and equipment that i have worked so hard over the years to obtain.


Hi Paul,

Mate I don’t you, and I don’t believe in God or the Devil as such, have seen some really bad crap done or happen to people in my life that brings me to think that if god does exists . . . then he’s a real prick for letting this type of stuff happen.

For most of us we will never be able to fully appreciate what you are going through unless we are unfortunate enough to one day walk in your footsteps, and I don’t think you would wish that on anyone. But some of us here due to our mid-life self inflicted stupidity, and the odd blowing up an engine thrown in just for good measure have walked the path of depression and can appreciate a little the feelings that you have.

Posting your frustrations on here, as you probably felt does provide a little relief, but on those days where you are really down, don’t hide away like I did, use your family, friends and work mates to keep your spirits up, and don’t sell the Patrol and Camper, those times away with your Family . . . and now especially with a New Child coming into your life, you will regret selling the Patrol and Camper greatly if they have a place in your life, keep them use them to have fun with your family.

Yes your past 18 months does sounds like a walk in hells garden, so I hope if this Crohns Disease is going to be a part of your life, I truly do hope you can learn to adapt your life around it, after all . . . at 51 . . . you will need to have a positive attitude when this new Kid hits the terrible 2’s, and then when it hits his/hers teens . . . and if it’s a girl . . . oh the fun of being a Teenage Girls Father . . . bear traps, shoot guns and big hunting knifes . . . thank god that part of my life is now in her 20’s hehehe.

Keep your Head up Paul, and don’t sell the Patrol or Camper . . . . for the time and effort you have put into it, you will regret it
Hi Paul,

Mate I don’t you, and I don’t believe in God or the Devil as such, have seen some really bad crap done or happen to people in my life that brings me to think that if god does exists . . . then he’s a real prick for letting this type of stuff happen.

For most of us we will never be able to fully appreciate what you are going through unless we are unfortunate enough to one day walk in your footsteps, and I don’t think you would wish that on anyone. But some of us here due to our mid-life self inflicted stupidity, and the odd blowing up an engine thrown in just for good measure have walked the path of depression and can appreciate a little the feelings that you have.

Posting your frustrations on here, as you probably felt does provide a little relief, but on those days where you are really down, don’t hide away like I did, use your family, friends and work mates to keep your spirits up, and don’t sell the Patrol and Camper, those times away with your Family . . . and now especially with a New Child coming into your life, you will regret selling the Patrol and Camper greatly if they have a place in your life, keep them use them to have fun with your family.

Yes your past 18 months does sounds like a walk in hells garden, so I hope if this Crohns Disease is going to be a part of your life, I truly do hope you can learn to adapt your life around it, after all . . . at 51 . . . you will need to have a positive attitude when this new Kid hits the terrible 2’s, and then when it hits his/hers teens . . . and if it’s a girl . . . oh the fun of being a Teenage Girls Father . . . bear traps, shoot guns and big hunting knifes . . . thank god that part of my life is now in her 20’s hehehe.

Keep your Head up Paul, and don’t sell the Patrol or Camper . . . . for the time and effort you have put into it, you will regret it

G'day mate,

Thanks for your kind words of wisdom!

