Internet Speed Test

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Well she's obviously done her job making the hand movements quick maybe you will get your second wish :big_smile:
As long as I don't have to use internet on a friggen mobile phone screen I'll use any speed.
Some of the local exchanges are getting fitted out for the NBN.

Old switch bar racks being removed.
Fibre will work at that distance.

The linies must love fixing faults on your line. Lol.
Our area isn't "listed" to be added to the NBN in the 2012-2013 schedule apparently. Telstra reckon we can get ADSL2 here but I'm not going back to Telstra for $40 more a month and a bit of a speed increase.
They laid a new cable through our paddock 2 years ago, After they left it drapped over the fence for 6 months
not sure what i'd do with speed like that, i mean I downloaded 53gb in a 24hr period the other day on my adsl 8000 speed line, god knows how quick i'd get shaped with NBN speeds. I blame FLAC audio and HD TV for my woes. just checked i've only got 530mb left to last 10 days till i get reset. Thats a week of listening to the wife ask why her phone internet is so slow lol.
No its for the phone , No adsl for me the lines arn,t up to scratch, Too much money to upgrade and not enough houses to warrant it

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