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Boo Boo

Jan 8, 2011
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By the sounds of things I may be in the right company to discuss the topic of beer!!!!! My usual brewskies are enjoyed in stubby form but with all the empty bottles lying round camping I'm about to embark on canned beer what are you all drinking in the canned form???
I don't think anyone on this forum drinks alcohol they usually have tea parties.
Indeed at present I am having a tea party. By no choice of my own, enforced by the location of work unfortunately. I think my liver has asked to be posted home to await my return in the land of the refreshing beverage... Tasmania :D
I too prefer the taste of stubbies to cans, and each beer seems to vary conisderably between the two.... But when camping.. the only thing that has really seemed to matter is as long as its cold, it could be almost anything. Almost. Well... even if its not cold really. As long as its been in the shade.
I do have to admit that Boags is my normal form of hydration, either in can or glass form. But lately, when I could indulge, I was getting quite used to the SuperDrys, and lately, Bintang......
Just dont drink that cursed Cascade stuff. Damn Southerners. Haha....
If you've ever had a sunkissed beer it will turn you off stubbies for a week or maybe even longer.

I've seen those ads for Tasmanian beer on tv (the ones where they put something in the water and it comes out better) and each time it makes me wonder are the majority of Tasmanians we see before or after the dip in the river? I was going to ask my cousin that when he married a Tassie girl but I'm not sure she has the same sense of humour.
I tried pushing my sister in three times.. didnt help. But it does get cold down there....
Thats my excuse anyway.

Two heads------ better for thinking, better for drinking.
Well it costs more to drink with two heads but I'm not sure how many guys need an extra head since they do most of their thinking with the smallest one anyway.

I'd also be worried about drinking something made from the water all those morons have jumped into and splashed around. Water from the Yarra is much better for making beer :smile:
I would be worried about the general state of cleanliness of the people that jump in the Yarra more than our water ... :D but I wont go there.
And yes... it does seem to be expensive everytime I go to the pub...
Sorry Boo Boo.. I Spose this isn't really helping very much... but what did you expect in a beer thread? .....
The trick with the Yarra is to drink from the bottom first, you avoid all the blood and bits of bodies people have lost when they jump off the bridges.
I try to drink all my beers the same way. But the top comes out first in a rush to let me at the bottom....
Come to think of it.. that may be why it is so expensive..... If only I drank the top first...
Nothing short of what I expected! Wasn't meant to be a serious thread more of a general query! Besides what else would krafty do if it wasn't for these types of threads wouldn't want him getting bored would we! Ha ha ha
Boredom isn't the issue it's my public service keeping the important threads at the top of the new thread list so people get to see them, no point having important threads disappear without a reply in them it makes the OP feel bad and disheartened by the whole experience. Give then some posts and make it lively and they feel special, kind of like a Tasmanian with only one head.
Not much of a beer drinker myself.

Usually only drink Coronas, a few XXXX here and there.

But usually just JD.
Your right Dave, none of that is beer anyway. You might as well have added VBto the list.. :D

The only Tasmanians with one head are the females we import occassionally to keep the native ones in line and the genetic stock sufficiently lowered to keep down to the North Islands standards.... :D
No VB thanks.

I had a Peroni I think it was recently. Tasted like crap.

Wont be drinking that shit again, for the rest of the bucks weekend I only drank Corona's and XXXX and JD.
I do have to agree with you on the JD tho... saves a lot of fridge space too....
Best thing about working overseas other than the diet of fish heads and some weird eyeballs and liver casserole?
Duty Free JD :)
Niftynev, where'd u work overseas on a diet like that?
Going back to the original question which is s bloody good one I might add, there's definitely a shortage of choice when it comes to canned beer.
I don't mind a bit of guinness in the winter but cans seem to be limited to vn, draught and pure blonde.
I like my coopers pale ale so yeah generally I drink more spirit cans and less beer when I camp!
Yeah... 1L bottles if I can... and at the moment just normal stuff.. but this time coming back I am thinking its time for some more Gentleman Jack.. or something really special :)
I work supposedly 2 months on and 1 mnth off in Indonesia.. mostly in remote camps in the middle of nowhere. West Papua at the moment.... Great people. Just not so great food all the time. But they did do lamb chops for me today. At least they called them lamb chops. I have never seen any lamb that looks like that, but they did look so pleased with themselves I had to give it a crack...
To be honest, I have never like any beer out of can.

Nev I posted a visitor message for you on your profile instead of hijacking this thread.

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