Uncertain Economic Climate - Do I, or Don't I

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Shonky, I dont know if my situation is would be similar to yours but I have been quiet with work for over 12 months and have thought about doing the same as you but with the wifes Terracan. just kept holding out.

Work is now actually picking up for me. Im starting to get in front again.

So dont take the economic crisis thing as gospel. As everyone has said, hold out if you can.
Hey Shonky

Did you want to manufacture some D22 bash plates made to order.

I'm sure the members of this site would help give you a bit of a cash injection. Might be enough $ to make you a bit more comfortable money wise.

They aren't on my immediate list but I'd rather give someone like you the $ instead of TJM
Cheers for the support guys, as I mentioned in another thread somewhere I am looking into the bash plates to see whether they are worth doing, will let you guys know in the future one way or the other.
Ill take some bash plates.

Check with Dylan and see if he will care if you make a business who you work for thread. Make it a sticky of course. I have already done one but another for promoting would be better.

hey shonky,

i dont know what your skill and expertise are in.
but have you thought about getting into custom bar work?
like rock slider's rear bar's and stuff like that.
i dont know but it's just and idea ah.
also checker plate replacement's for that shitty plastic thing that hang's onto the bull bar and goes down near the bash plate.
a mate did one up for me and i reckon it look's great i can get some photo's and dimension's on it for you.
hey mate,

I've thought about it, but would require buying a bender, or buying in the bends which is a pain, much easier to do bar work if the bender is on site as you can start with straight bar and put the bends where you need them, rather than cutting and shutting bends to straight pipe creating weak points.

At this stage I'm still thinking about what to do, went and looked at a GU with a mate who is in the market for a car and I did like the extra space thats for sure, so there's a fair chance that I'll end up changing over to something else.
Well the decision has been made, the Nav has to go, gone through the budget and I just can't see a way through it without losing my sanity at the same time, the biggest impact was the growing family, going from married dual income and no kids when I bought the Nav, to married with a kid and single income is the killer so today began the big strip down, removing all things that won't get extra money on the sale price of the car.

As for what I'll get next, that's an unknown, only time will tell.
That's a shame mate.

But I'm sure you haven't come to the decision lightly.

Ill buy your under guards :dancing::dancing:

I recon I wont be the only one to ask.
Damn,thats a sweet looking rig Shonky,but family and a roof over the head come first. It's not the end of the world,chin up mate.
There will be something around to get you up the tracks for a good price.
Down but not out eh.
Sorry to hear the decision mate.

Anyways I am sure you will do alright.

All the best.
