NDIS. Can Australia afford it ?

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Bloody oath, I dont care if cost me a few dollars a week more in tax. What, a couple of beers if that. It's somthing we can hold up head about and say we got this bit right.
Is there anything Labor does that you dont agree with ?

Will the money be spent where is needed or spent on more beaurocats ?
Yeah, there is a few things I don't agree with.

Maybe i'm not as cynical as you Dave but one of the many good things about the NDIS is getting people that are now on Health and Dissability Pensions will be reasessed. ie. get some off their arse that shouldn't be and back into work.
Even your pin up boy Abbott and Co are in favour of the NDIS.
But there's a $12B (give or take) hole in our budget... It's about time we stopped taking care of disabled people! We could save a lot of money if we got rid of all the sick people too! these are luxuaries for a time when we have a surplus!

Right now we need to focus on improving our swim team!


my 2c
I don't have an issue with the NDS itself but it shouldn't be implemented at the cost of more tax.

If the Labor party truly believes it's the best way to spend part of our tax dollars then they should make cuts to other areas to pay for it.

Lets take one example, currently the dole isn't time limited. I'd rather see a time limit put on the dole in a similar way that workcover payments are limited. After 12 months it drops to say 80%, 2 years 70%, 3 years 60% and after that the dole would cut out.

The savings from that could be used to pay for (at least part of the cost) to help genuinely disable individuals who have real difficulties in getting work.

There are other areas where I think savings could be made as well.
I don't have an issue with the NDS itself but it shouldn't be implemented at the cost of more tax.

If the Labor party truly believes it's the best way to spend part of our tax dollars then they should make cuts to other areas to pay for it.

Lets take one example, currently the dole isn't time limited. I'd rather see a time limit put on the dole in a similar way that workcover payments are limited. After 12 months it drops to say 80%, 2 years 70%, 3 years 60% and after that the dole would cut out.

The savings from that could be used to pay for (at least part of the cost) to help genuinely disable individuals who have real difficulties in getting work.

There are other areas where I think savings could be made as well.

agree with this - should take some cuts from other areas instead - like in American it is hard to stay on dole if you do not work for it.

Another thing - since labour keeps failing on their deliveries they should cut or even stop pay bonuses if they are not meeting expectations or what they have planned. it's a joke getting pay rises and high bonuses when everyone else are finding it difficult to live
But there's a $12B (give or take) hole in our budget...

As a percentage of GDP $12B if bugger all -- we could borrow all the money needed for the NDIS and Gonski and still have manageable debt levels. Especially if the mining tax did what was promised & we stopped spending Billions each year on unnecessary wars/ middle class welfare ($7.5k rebate per year for child care regardless of income -- Feck off!)

It's about time we stopped taking care of disabled people! We could save a lot of money if we got rid of all the sick people too! these are luxuaries for a time when we have a surplus!

Right now we need to focus on improving our swim team!


my 2c

Seriously hope you are taking the piss!!
But there's a $12B (give or take) hole in our budget... It's about time we stopped taking care of disabled people! We could save a lot of money if we got rid of all the sick people too! these are luxuaries for a time when we have a surplus!

Right now we need to focus on improving our swim team!


my 2c

Yeah let's round up all the sick and disabled...line em and shoot em....
Hail Hitler.
How about no more tax dollars to private schools

There is one practical issue with that, it would force a large number of students currently attending the basic private schools (mostly catholic primary and secondary schools) whose parents are mostly just working class people out of the catholic education system and into the public system.

The end result of that would be an INCREASE in education costs because currently those parents pay (mostly) between about $1500 and $4000 per year towards the cost of educating their children and partly the church pays towards the cost of staff and infrastructure and in the public system that would cease and all the cost would be born by the tax payers leading to either increased taxes or a larger deficit.

There is I believe a strong case for means testing assistance to private school students though, it's nonsensical that private schools like Wesley charge over $25,000 per student per year and still receive millions of dollars in funding when they already have more than enough income to pay the entire cost of a standard education for all of their students from the fee stream.
Lets take one example, currently the dole isn't time limited. I'd rather see a time limit put on the dole in a similar way that workcover payments are limited. After 12 months it drops to say 80%, 2 years 70%, 3 years 60% and after that the dole would cut out.


Now that would be a policy that I believe people would vote for. There is assistance when needed, and an incentive to find new employment
The dole/newstart should be time limited and have to be repaid just like HECS. I don't know a lot about the NDIS but the idea sounds good, as for funding it I am happy to pay the additional tax as long as they stop wasting the tax I already pay.
Maybe if the government and all the ones before it, didn't sell of all the infrastructure bringing cash flow into the budget, we wouldn't be taxed so much and the government would have more money.
I say it's time to cleaned out all the corrupt, inbread Polly's and bring new bloody.
Or we could just shoot them all too :)
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I say it's time to cleaned out all the corrupt, inbread Polly's and bring new bloody.
Or we could just shoot them all too :)

Three term limits on all pollies I reckon (there is some arse is the Tassie legislative council who's been there 18years on $180k who has only ever done the job part time -- prick). Some churn in the system would be very beneficial.
Well the NDIS will cost you about $7 a week if your on 70,000. Couple of beers or a sandwich.
Now that's not bad value. If you become disabled you will looked after.
Three term limits on all pollies I reckon (there is some arse is the Tassie legislative council who's been there 18years on $180k who has only ever done the job part time -- prick). Some churn in the system would be very beneficial.

Maybe that's where Australia needs a real change, Do we need 3 tiers of government, Do we need 3 levels of public servants,
Nope! Get rid of local councils I reckon.

I agree, they should just have a office to take care of waste disposal in local area and that all. Roads, building apps and every thing else can be done at a state level. And then I believe RTA should be national, one set of rules nation wide.
Its all a big scam..... If the government needs more money just go and print some. That's what china does. after all does anyone really know how much money countries print to de value the dollar... makes you think ....

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