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Mar 25, 2009
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The Payback.

I’m sitting at home on the patio purveying all that is mine, as us guys so rightly do. My Missus works at a pharmacy and has eyes like a hawk when it comes to ailments etc.OK , so I’m sitting in my favorite chair when all of a sudden I twitch , my missus picks up on this and asks “what's wrong ?”. I do the natural guy thing and reply with” Nothin, I’m Fine”

I know she aint gonna be happy with that reply .She has seen some sick stuff at work and she has no intention of getting old and looking after a dilapidated old fart , let me tell you.

I figure screw it , she aint gonna leave me alone untill I tell her . So I tell her I got Butt pains. After going through the motions of . it is ok , leave me alone , it will go away etc etc.
he then disappears for a minute and returns stating she has made me a Docs appointment .If she had her way I would live at the docs, I’m not sayin I’m sick all the time “Physically that is “ I got a twisted sense of humor like any other likeminded person AND I HAVE BEEN KNOW TO DO SOME CRAZY SHIT that’s for sure .

When my Missus gets on a mission she can react faster than melting Ice on a BBQ.So , next day off to the Docs we go , Usual stuff she asks , make sure your jocks are clean, put clean sneakers on yarda yarda yarda.
I figure I’m gonna tell the Doc some stuff . get some tablets and that’s then end of it .
Man !!!! I could never have been so wrong.

I walk into the Docs room and it aint my usual Male Doc It’s a female , now I AINT NO Chauvinist and I do respect a pretty woman.
My Missus is with me in the room and I am doing all the guy things, flirting unashamedly “without realizing of course”.

The Docs asking me questions and before I can answer the missus has got the questions covered, I’m like a puppet without the hand UP my back.
So , lets get to the point .It seems to be all going along nicely when the Doc asks the Missus to leave the room . I’m Figuring this aint good , I got some serious shit wrong and the Doc don’t want the Missus to know cos of patient confidentiality , Man!!! my mind can run wild.

The last thing I remember as the Missus was leaving was the Cheshire grin she had on her face .Pure evil now I think of it . She knows if she had of told me what was going to go down aint NO way I would have walked into that surgery room.
The Doc tells me to drop my pants & get on the bed , with a bit more decorum than that but you get the idea . I’m figuring WHY? It then dawns on me why The Missus had asked if I had clean jocks on , she new what I was in store for , evil evil woman .

I get my very first prostate check , I was brought up with the views you don’t let people screw with certain parts of ones anatomy , a guys ring, sphincter,digit call it what you like is not to be screwed with "Its sacred teritory "
The only saving grace was it was a very attractive female Doc that was doing the screwing and Yes my sick mind did run wild after the initial embarrassment had subsided.

When I t was over I walk into the waiting room and I SWEAR I can feel all eyes are looking at me.
My Missus is sitting and she still has that Cheshire grin on her face , I feel red faced and a little pissed that she could do this to the man she so called LOVES. She asks how am I feeling , and without a second thought of who could hear I say “I BEEN VIOLATED ‘ it was at this point the whole waiting room erupts in laughter and then I know my Missus has been laughing and chatting to the people waiting to see the Doc about what I was going through while I WAS GOING THROUGH HELL .

I have played some great Pranks on that lovely Lady but let me tell you, this one will take some beating. Pure pure evil , But I gotta admit I would have her NO other way . Life is one big laugh when I am with her.
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lol that was funny as.
good call laith,

or should have said now i know how you feel on thoes special nights!
Hehe funny,

should of said to the doc, " ah not on the first date, I'm not that sort of bloke"

Ah, dont stress mate,

if ya thinks that bad,

wait till your in the theatre waiting room with 6 or 7 other people and all to get a colonoscopy done.

2 nurse's , 1 specialist and 1 aneithetist all working you on the table...

At least your asleep while they're doing all that bad stuff to your ...umm..

yeah anyway.... i must go to another topic.

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