The V6 Diesel D40 has arrived.

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Hi Hunter, yea I have had one on order since october, getting a bit sick of waiting, they're a bit hopeless if they only have 70 comming. They'll get rid of them in the first month i reckon and yep i also am paying aroun $65000.00 for it.

There were at least 6 on order here in launceston as of oct 30 so there could be more by now.

i'm hoping mid jan arrival but have no real idea at this stage.


I received this email yesterday from another dealer in Brissy.

We are expecting the first of the new D40 Navara ST-X 550’s to be arriving in January.
We have a single black truck coming into stock. This truck is unfortunately not going to be for sale.
It will be for demonstration purposes only due to the limited numbers of vehicles available.
Due to this limited number of Navara 550’s coming into Australia, we’re asking everyone if they have a keen interest to talk to us about leaving a deposit and drawing up some paperwork subject to your viewing and/or test driving the Navara to your satisfaction. Though we know you will be impressed!!!
This will enable us to allocate a vehicle to you, bring more Navara 550’s into stock, and give you first option of purchasing a vehicle, in your first choice of colour.
These trucks wont last long, and many will be needed to be back ordered if not allocated to customers before the first shipment lands.

So looks like there's going to be a few disapointment for a couple of months espeicaly if this dealer was taking orders from about a six weeks ago.
Cheers hunter
hopefully you guys get urs in jan and you can give us some info on them!

No worries mate,
The dealer told me I should get about 4 phone calls from them between now & Jan
1) Ship on water
2) Ship on dock
3) Vehicle on truck
4) Vehicle arrived

Also said they would keep me up to date as other information comes to hand.
Cheers hunter
No worries mate,
The dealer told me I should get about 4 phone calls from them between now & Jan
1) Ship on water
2) Ship on dock
3) Vehicle on truck
4) Vehicle arrived

Also said they would keep me up to date as other information comes to hand.
Cheers hunter

Sounds like the typical Nissan dealer BS. I bet you'll be lucky to get one phone call.
Agreed, but I didn't want to burst his bubble because I remember the first time I dealt with Nissan and they promised crap like that and I thought they were serious.

These days it's just easier to forget about it until they ring to tell you it's time to hand over the money, because even if you ring them it's just more BS, the sales droid probably doesn't even check anything, after all he doesn't care when your car arrives because he knows it will get there eventually and there is probably some other poor sap in his office about to sign his next pay cheque.

I sometimes wonder if you were silly enough to pay the full amount in advance whether you'd even get that phone call from them when the car arrives.
No worries mate,
The dealer told me I should get about 4 phone calls from them between now & Jan
1) Ship on water
2) Ship on dock
3) Vehicle on truck
4) Vehicle arrived

Also said they would keep me up to date as other information comes to hand.
Cheers hunter

You'll get a call, probably in March, to say its been waiting for you to pick it up for a couple of weeks, unless there is a finance issue, then they'll be on the phone 4 times in the next hour!

I'm still going to get one, probably white, don't know how to swing it by the minister for war & finance though
Also have one on order. Lightning Strike with towbar, tinted front windows.
Quoted delivery late January early February. Can only hope.
i dont understand why nissan sells the ser.4 d40 and not even 6 months later they bring out this better one.
Well 6 months remains to be seen as yet, but even so the V6 has been available for ages over sees and has a bit of new bling where as the 140Kw update was pretty much just a power update.

There is probably a good chance too that even Nissan know a $65K ute is not going to be everyone's choice so rather than wipe out the $50K version they keep the 140KW one so they can price themselves from the $30K price bracket to the $65K price bracket and cover all but the Great Wall and Mahindra buyers.
My guess would be there is quite a substantial price difference as Krafty mentions.

The V6 will be an miners ute more than a tradies ute. Luxury car tax and many other factors drive the price too high for the ordinry man.
No worries mate,
The dealer told me I should get about 4 phone calls from them between now & Jan
1) Ship on water
2) Ship on dock
3) Vehicle on truck
4) Vehicle arrived

Also said they would keep me up to date as other information comes to hand.
Cheers hunter

Hi Hunter,
Any update on delivery yet?
Hi Hunter,
Any update on delivery yet?

Hi ekka, i also have one on order here in lonny tassie, and hunter mentioned before that nissan were only bringing 70 into the country which was confirmed yesterday by motors here in lonny, which i think is plain stupid on nissan's part. It seems here they have at least 6 on order here but are only allocated 4 out of this shipment so someone is going to miss out.

From the sounds of it i'll be ok with mine, and as for your question to hunter, i was told yesterday that they cannot deliver mine until Feb 1'st as this is the official launch date for them and are unable to let them go before.

I personlly feel nissan have made a huge mistake in not bringing more in with this first shipment, but hey thats just me ...

Well i have at least 2 and half more weeks to wait but will post some piccy's when i get hold of it.

Hi ekka, i also have one on order here in lonny tassie, and hunter mentioned before that nissan were only bringing 70 into the country which was confirmed yesterday by motors here in lonny, which i think is plain stupid on nissan's part. It seems here they have at least 6 on order here but are only allocated 4 out of this shipment so someone is going to miss out.

From the sounds of it i'll be ok with mine, and as for your question to hunter, i was told yesterday that they cannot deliver mine until Feb 1'st as this is the official launch date for them and are unable to let them go before.

I personlly feel nissan have made a huge mistake in not bringing more in with this first shipment, but hey thats just me ...

Well i have at least 2 and half more weeks to wait but will post some piccy's when i get hold of it.


Hi Worm,
I too have one on order. Feb 1st sounds right as I was told late Jan early feb. Contacted my dealer today but he had no updated info.
He said he has had many enquiries but only 1 order as they are now not offering any discounts at all. Lucky I got in early as I got a pretty good deal, I think.
Hi Hunter,
Any update on delivery yet?

Hi ekka, I called th dealers last friday but they had'nt received anymore info yet, Iam going to give them another ring next week, although even if they were in the country they would'nt be able to get into Rockhampton yet as the roads are still closed.
Cheers hunter
Depending on which side of the country you live the wait could be even greater than just the roads issue. So many cars come through the Port of Brissie because the docking fees are so much cheaper than the rest of the country so anyone waiting on new cars may be getting the run around. WA might be a bit better since they dock a lot of their own ships but there is also a cyclone warning out in the ocean so there's a good chance that could delay the boats too.
Man, how tall is that gearing, 200kmh or so and no sign of the tacho needle above about 4500 rpm.
See if you can't find one of them dragging a few V6's off boats on a loading dock I'm sure that one will be a big hit :big_smile:

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