Disgusting Scenes In Canberra

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Add a follow up of burning an Australian Flag on live TV to the shots of people screaming and bashing on glass windows and I have to wonder what they were thinking.

They're certainly a believer in the old theory of 'any publicity is good publicity, even bad publicity'.

Personally all I think they've done is thrown away any chance they had of accomplishing anything, they're now persona non grata with both sides of politics.
Add a follow up of burning an Australian Flag on live TV to the shots of people screaming and bashing on glass windows and I have to wonder what they were thinking.

They're certainly a believer in the old theory of 'any publicity is good publicity, even bad publicity'.

Personally all I think they've done is thrown away any chance they had of accomplishing anything, they're now persona non grata with both sides of politics.

Not only that, Geoff, but also persona non grata with the rest of the population. In two days, they have effectively ruined any chance of support from mainstream Australia, in my view.
Did you trip it to the Island of the Dead?

We decided against that. Had the wife's parents with us, her mother is quite elderly, frail and more than a little concerned about the spirit world than I am. She should be, she's a shitload closer to it than I am.

And just so you know, "shitload" is a formal unit of measurement. It is larger than "maaaaate" and not quite as much as "MAAAAAAAATE!" when used in conjunction with the number of slabs of beer purchased for a weekend when the wife is away.
I cant believe the Federal Police aren't investigating the leak in the Labour party who gave up Abbots location.

Isn't that a breach of security.
if their gonna burn they flag why dont they f#$% off, they clearly dont like it here
I cant believe the Federal Police aren't investigating the leak in the Labour party who gave up Abbots location.

Isn't that a breach of security.

What's to investigate? Any dill could've looked up from the tent embassy and seen him - especially given the size of his ears! Point is, he was in a public space, he was attending a public gathering, and many knew he'd be there - ergo, what security breech?
if this happened in america, (which it wouldnt because they shut down like 10 blocks of a city in every direction from where the leader is) there would be many dead and many in prison for a very long time
didnt aboriginies own the land way before some british sailor fella decided be good place to dump load british criminals we no longer wanted,i see it as there land and we stole it off em,id be prety pi**ed off at that aswell and anything that reminds a politician there human and not everyone wants to lick there arse is all good by me!

I don't believe Aboriginals owned the land either. There is evidence that they walked/rowed here from PNG and other northern islands (thousands of years ago).

straight from wiki
"The earliest accepted timeline for the first arrivals of indigenous Australians to the continent of Australia places this human migration to at least 40,000 years ago most probably from the islands of Indonesia and Papua New Guinea."


Beside the issue of land is null and void. The british Settled here, with inferior numbers. The local population could not repel them. Therefore the british took over. Aboriginals had no technology worth mentioning as stated above. I hardly see an entire country being handed back to an indigenous population hundreds of years later, when there is evidence that they aren't the indigenous popuation.

The indigenous population as of end June 2006 was estimated to be 517,200, representing about 2.5% of the population. Thats not even enough to keep 1 City running let alone an entire continent.

If it were the case, that we should hand back the country to indigenous populations. Then most of the worlds land masses would change hands IE USA, England, Europe, Asia and entire countries would cease to exist IE Israel.

If you were born here or even if you choose to call this island home. Then you are Australian. White, Black, Yellow. Doesn't matter. We should ALL be WORKING to the same goal, a better Australia. Not carrying on like a bunch of savages.
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They as a race have no idea... Didn't grow crops.... Didn't farm animals...as a nomadic tribe they Didn't invent a wheel of any kind over thousands of years yet ...

There is a fairly significant ideological difference between Euro-centric races and many indigenous races - that being that people like the black fellas were not obsessed with technological advancement or change. In fact they were obsessed about not changing - keeping things as they are. They apparently liked their way of life (before whitey turned up) and were dead set on keeping it the same. We see advancement as the ideal, they see the status quo as the ideal - who is right depends on which camp your from.

So your argument is kinda moot - it may even support the black fellas argument that whitey screwed them over.

Regardless, I reckon the AFP over reacted after an over reaction from the protesters to an over reaction from the bionic ears to a question some dipshit reporter asked him. Storm in a tea cup!
What's to investigate? Any dill could've looked up from the tent embassy and seen him - especially given the size of his ears! Point is, he was in a public space, he was attending a public gathering, and many knew he'd be there - ergo, what security breech?

Telling a angry mob wasn't a bright idea.
we stole this land fair and square lol and if we didnt they would still be throwing a bent stick at kangaroos
There is a fairly significant ideological difference between Euro-centric races and many indigenous races - that being that people like the black fellas were not obsessed with technological advancement or change. In fact they were obsessed about not changing - keeping things as they are. They apparently liked their way of life (before whitey turned up) and were dead set on keeping it the same. We see advancement as the ideal, they see the status quo as the ideal - who is right depends on which camp your from.

So your argument is kinda moot - it may even support the black fellas argument

I only pointed this out as I have worked in aboriginal communities, they have no problem living in the modern world with all it's advancements which apparently they didn't want unless they can get it for nothing!
Telling a angry mob wasn't a bright idea.

I agree - stupid move. Even stupider was leaving a trail - but it wasn't illegal. So why involve the AFP?

Silly bugga got the arse from a sweet job - leave it at that I reckon.
I only pointed this out as I have worked in aboriginal communities, they have no problem living in the modern world with all it's advancements which apparently they didn't want unless they can get it for nothing!

But now your confusing welfare dependance with the original hypothesis - they're two separate issues. Both are complex and not easily understood, but they remain separate non-the-less.
I agree - stupid move. Even stupider was leaving a trail - but it wasn't illegal. So why involve the AFP?

Silly bugga got the arse from a sweet job - leave it at that I reckon.

I think you will find that part of the job contract in those types of roles (publicservice,defence, gov) involve a security clause, media clause and sharing of information clause.

Forbidding them from releasing security & location information to any source without express permission.
What I find funny is how quickly Tony was to jump on the "lets get the AFP involved bandwagon". 24 hours earlier he was shitting himself just like Julia, he actually looked more frightened at one stage, then the next day he's clutching at yet another straw to try and convince people the Labor party was wrong. Seems he's giving up trying to prove himself right and now days just complains about everything being wrong because he has no right answers himself.
Cant remember that, but he probably did.

Id rather have him as PM then Gillard/Brown.

Oh and I cant wait to see Garret, Swan and and all the dogooders get the arse next election.
I'd rather see them all shafted, none of them can run the country properly. Julia has done all sorts of things people seem to disagree with and then Rabbit comes along and says he wants to cut $2.8bill from education. We are already raising a bunch of deadshit teenagers, cutting funding to an already ailing system is no smarter than anything Julia has done.

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