D22 loses power intermittently

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Oct 19, 2012
Reaction score
Ingleburn NSW
My 2011 D22 has had an intermittent power problem since new. Occasionally it behaves as if the turbo has been removed. No noises or any other strange behaviours, just won't pull.
The first time it happened I was towing a boat out of the water at a ramp in Sydney. I stalled it initially, restarted and then found it would not pull. After a few restarts, the problem went away. The Nav only had 30,000 Km on the clock at this stage. I took it in for a warranty repair, and was told there was nothing wrong, no fault codes - nothing. I persisted and the service dept. decided they would keep it overnight, parked facing uphill to try and replicate the problem.
I rang the following morning and was told the problem had occurred, and that it was most likely a non return check in the pump. Parts were on the way and I would have my truck back next day.
All seemed fine after this, until I was on my way to Cape York. Parked in a car park at Townsville and the same thing happened. I was only on a slight uphill grade, but this seemed to be enough to re-create the problem. I had the same problem 2 days later. Again, Nissan service told me there was no problem detected, no fault codes etc.
The problem disappeared after that until recently, now it's back with a vengeance. Drove into town today (I live just outside Bundaberg) and after a couple of stop starts, the problem returned. This time it stayed with me for the better part of 5 Km.

I now have 110,00 K on the clock and no warranty left.

Has anyone else had this problem?
If it has been an ongoing problem since new, even if it hasn't happened in a long while, Nissan has dealt with the issue in the past. If your at all close with your local dealer, i would try them first. Just out of warranty repairs aren't uncommon. Never know?
Do a search on "limp mode" seems to be a problem on every Diesel engine. Mine does it if I've let it idle for too long. Turn engine off and back on and it's fine. I seem to fix the issue by adding a fuel additive. I've started regularly adding additives now on every refill now.
yes they have a safe mode on the ecu when something is wrong which feels like the turbo died. 9 times out of ten its the SCV on the fuel pump easy and donts cost that much to replace or the neutrial position switch on the d22 gearboxes is known to fail on d22's. its mostly noticable on 3rd and 4th gear, car just feels dead and wont pull.
both the SCV and NPS cost less that 50 us dollars, and both dont give any engine codes. they just randomly put the engine in safe mode. thats why it disappers when you turn off and on the engine and comes back after a while when the problem gets redittected
Yes, it was the SCV. Took my local mechanic a short while to track it down. I was looking at the sensor outputs on his Snapon scanner, the problem was there even whilst the vehicle was not misbehaving. Pump current draw and pressures were going crazy. I wonder why the Nissan "experts" couldn't track this down earlier? I now have my fuel economy back (I was losing around 100 Km per tank of fuel) and the engine is as smooth as any Nissan diesel can be, and it does not die on me any more.
If i was you i would go to exhaust shop. Have them check cat and muffler . A broken baffle in muffler will do that as it can move and chock it up . Same with the cat . They are filters and do clog up and chock up
2023 and found this issue on a 2011 2.5l d22 Navara. Wasn't the NPS. Mechanic I saw described a design fault with the Diesel Filter. The filter I had one was only about 3000ks old. It wouldn't pump fuel through, even filled it up with diesel in a sink and it wouldn't come out. Car was only pressurising fuel at at about 9000kpa when it should be 70-90k kPa. Check and replace diesel filter if having this issue. Consider an aftermarket filter.
2023 and found this issue on a 2011 2.5l d22 Navara. Wasn't the NPS. Mechanic I saw described a design fault with the Diesel Filter. The filter I had one was only about 3000ks old. It wouldn't pump fuel through, even filled it up with diesel in a sink and it wouldn't come out. Car was only pressurising fuel at at about 9000kpa when it should be 70-90k kPa. Check and replace diesel filter if having this issue. Consider an aftermarket filter.
i would also put some biocide in the tank, it could be clogged with diesel bug. or simply fuel up somewhere else that has decent fuel.
Yes, it was the SCV. Took my local mechanic a short while to track it down. I was looking at the sensor outputs on his Snapon scanner, the problem was there even whilst the vehicle was not misbehaving. Pump current draw and pressures were going crazy. I wonder why the Nissan "experts" couldn't track this down earlier? I now have my fuel economy back (I was losing around 100 Km per tank of fuel) and the engine is as smooth as any Nissan diesel can be, and it does not die on me any more.
What is SCV?
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My 2011 D22 has had an intermittent power problem since new. Occasionally it behaves as if the turbo has been removed. No noises or any other strange behaviours, just won't pull.
The first time it happened I was towing a boat out of the water at a ramp in Sydney. I stalled it initially, restarted and then found it would not pull. After a few restarts, the problem went away. The Nav only had 30,000 Km on the clock at this stage. I took it in for a warranty repair, and was told there was nothing wrong, no fault codes - nothing. I persisted and the service dept. decided they would keep it overnight, parked facing uphill to try and replicate the problem.
I rang the following morning and was told the problem had occurred, and that it was most likely a non return check in the pump. Parts were on the way and I would have my truck back next day.
All seemed fine after this, until I was on my way to Cape York. Parked in a car park at Townsville and the same thing happened. I was only on a slight uphill grade, but this seemed to be enough to re-create the problem. I had the same problem 2 days later. Again, Nissan service told me there was no problem detected, no fault codes etc.
The problem disappeared after that until recently, now it's back with a vengeance. Drove into town today (I live just outside Bundaberg) and after a couple of stop starts, the problem returned. This time it stayed with me for the better part of 5 Km.

I now have 110,00 K on the clock and no warranty left.

Has anyone else had this problem?
Yes mine too if the engine check light comes on the dashboard then it losses power, no puling.
I've tried changing the crankshaft sensor, but no help
mine is ZD30 so bit different but i ended up drilling some very fine holes in the diesel fuel cap, because i noticed quite a lot of suction/vacuum each time i needed to fill up and loosened the cap you could hear audible suction noise. I don't have this noise anymore. I feel this also takes pressure off the fuel pump.
I came to this conclusion with my experience with chainsaws and dirt bikes over the years. Anyway i could be completely wrong about this so take it with a healthy degree of skepticism. I have not noticed any adverse consequences so far.
My 2011 D22 has had an intermittent power problem since new. Occasionally it behaves as if the turbo has been removed. No noises or any other strange behaviours, just won't pull.
The first time it happened I was towing a boat out of the water at a ramp in Sydney. I stalled it initially, restarted and then found it would not pull. After a few restarts, the problem went away. The Nav only had 30,000 Km on the clock at this stage. I took it in for a warranty repair, and was told there was nothing wrong, no fault codes - nothing. I persisted and the service dept. decided they would keep it overnight, parked facing uphill to try and replicate the problem.
I rang the following morning and was told the problem had occurred, and that it was most likely a non return check in the pump. Parts were on the way and I would have my truck back next day.
All seemed fine after this, until I was on my way to Cape York. Parked in a car park at Townsville and the same thing happened. I was only on a slight uphill grade, but this seemed to be enough to re-create the problem. I had the same problem 2 days later. Again, Nissan service told me there was no problem detected, no fault codes etc.
The problem disappeared after that until recently, now it's back with a vengeance. Drove into town today (I live just outside Bundaberg) and after a couple of stop starts, the problem returned. This time it stayed with me for the better part of 5 Km.

I now have 110,00 K on the clock and no warranty left.

Has anyone else had this problem?
Yes 2013 D40 YD25 4x4 auto - same problem, intermittent and random, mostly though when its under load on an uphill, seems to go into a limp mode, sometimes though if I shift manually it goes away but not always. Driving me insane. Have you sorted it Please say yes!!!