Armstrong..Cheat or not?

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HE made millions of dollars out of cheating... he is living someone else's life. stolen from the person that didn't cheat and would of been champion....
Maybe all the people that where responsible for catching the dopers should be fired and have to repay their wages too.
They obviously failed miserably.
At the end of the day none of it really matters if they don't stamp it out NOW.
I don't care much for road cycling but it reflects attitudes in sport everywhere and needs to be dealt with appropriately.
Maybe all the people that where responsible for catching the dopers should be fired and have to repay their wages too.

That may happen eventually but the reason little can be done about it at the moment is because none of what he has admitted is under oath. He's admitted to being a cheat (although he claims at the time he didn't consider it cheating) and he's admitted to taking drugs but he's only admitted it to a sensationalistic talk show host. He may well have opened the flood gates for legal proceedings but all of what he says has to come out in a court of law before him or anyone else can actually be held accountable.
He has only told what he wants people to hear, I'll bet there's plenty more.

To say the entire field was doing it is bullshit and a cop out. He has stolen money from sponsors, competitions etc all under false pretences, he even had the gall to sue people that accused him of cheating over the years.

He's got 5 kids that will have to grow up now listening to the stories of what their father did.
I thought a few of them would of been giving EPO and perhaps blood transfussion's a hit but what Armstrong has admited to was everything that is just about chemically available. And yes I doubt the entire field was into that! He still looks as fit as but, it's gotta take a toll on the mind and body.

Interesting that Cadel Evans is almost conspicous by his quietness on the Armstrong sarga.
He is a fairly quite bloke anyway but on somthing such as this thought he may make some public comment.

On a lighter note I remember Roy&HG saying maybe there should be 2 Olympics the enhanced ones and the non enhanced. May be a good idea for the tour du France.:biggrin:
Why would Cadel buy into what is going to be an ongoing shite fight for years?
Far easier just to keep mum and get on with his training regime.
I doubt if he was part of any organised doping programme as his team could not get organised to support his attempts at winning the race.
Wow, ABC Four Corners had a story on him last night. They will likely repeat it on ABC2. The intro said, " He's a drug cheat, a bully and a liar who abused his best friends to keep a terrible secret, but has Lance Armstrong finally told the truth?"
Holy shit this guy has been lying all his life. He is so artful and still full of sh1t.
Show me a drug user/abuser/addict that hasn't lied and cheated his way through life.
AU$9B - that's what sport is worth each year here in Aus alone. With that kind of money it is little surprise that the ACC has uncovered massive corruption in sport. Sadly, I don't think we'll get pure elite sport again unless they're all amateurs. If you want a true sporting contest, then you'd best get down to your local community organized event (pitch, park, track, oval or what ever your flavour).

As for Lance. It is a devastating revelation for millions of fans that wanted to believe -- what will be worse is when Bolt is caught (that will spell the end of professional sports). I could not give a fcuk about the image of cycling, they benefited from lance for all those years -- but I do care about the impact that this has on young sports people as it suggests that one must cheat to succeed!
but I do care about the impact that this has on young sports people as it suggests that one must cheat to succeed!

Yes unfortunately any of these big drug busts could have an adverse effect on kids playing sport. A few small ones here and there are easier to deal with when it comes to kids but the bigger they are the more difficult that becomes.

I still believe there is clean sports stars out there but I don't think sport will ever be totally clean which is a bit of a let down and makes it less enjoyable to watch and eventually it will bleed down to less enjoyable to play and kids and parents alike will begin avoiding competitive sports.
Wow, ABC Four Corners had a story on him last night. They will likely repeat it on ABC2. The intro said, " He's a drug cheat, a bully and a liar who abused his best friends to keep a terrible secret, but has Lance Armstrong finally told the truth?"
Umm, is this the same report they ran before that was based on this one long term "friend" who wasn't exactly a clean skin herself? She seemed to feature in the promo and I thought "nothing new to their previous shite flinging exercise".
Yes unfortunately any of these big drug busts could have an adverse effect on kids playing sport. A few small ones here and there are easier to deal with when it comes to kids but the bigger they are the more difficult that becomes.

Look closely at TV and other advertising. the promotion of instant magic pills is endless. That is what is the problem.

Then there is always the enduring problem of the useless incompetent coach. Have they fixed tat problem yet? I understood that various codes were requiring coaches for kids teams to do some basic courses. Still happening?
Look closely at TV and other advertising. the promotion of instant magic pills is endless. That is what is the problem.

Yeah ok I accept that tv might have a small part in the situation but I don't believe that it's a major part of the issue.
Yeah ok I accept that tv might have a small part in the situation but I don't believe that it's a major part of the issue.

The major part of the issue is that companies make huge $ off sports and so sports people will do whatever it takes to get the $ from those companies.

I guess the only way to have fair sports is to take out any incentive to conduct the sports.

What you're left with is a museum.

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