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    • bshrngr
      bshrngr replied to the thread Engine not starting..
      As an after thought in regards the the Cam Sensor test ... I seem to recall that they will run without the cam sensor but not the crank...
    • bshrngr
      bshrngr replied to the thread Engine not starting..
      Firstly, congratulations on your good efforts so far ... this is the first time I've tried this sort of remote diagnosis ... usually it...
    • bshrngr
      bshrngr replied to the thread Engine not starting..
      Yes that's normal as it is plumbed to the return circuit ... you can just cap it off with a plastic plug ... if you have rail pressure...
    • bshrngr
      bshrngr replied to the thread Engine not starting..
      Well that test tells you you possibly have no rail pressure ... to confirm this leave the SCV disconnected and remove the hose from the...
    • bshrngr
      bshrngr replied to the thread Engine not starting..
      Yes it will rattle a bit on start up because it will have max fuel press and push over the rail relief but will settle down and run...
    • bshrngr
      bshrngr replied to the thread Engine not starting..
      1000 kpa isn't enough rail pressure to start ... disconnect the SCV plug and see if it starts ... Don't drive it like that though ... It...
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