Idrive throttle Control issues

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Jul 6, 2022
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I have a 2014 navara D22, I placed an idrive throttle Controller in the vehicle 2 years ago, all going well till 2 weeks ago, now vehicle ruff idle, stalling, limp mode, shaking whilst driving. I’ve checked all the connections.
Anyone have any suggestions.
I had something similar a few months ago Andreas. I don't have a throttle controller though. Tony suggested my issue was likely the SCV & to try a bottle of injector cleaner through the tank. I did & it helped a lot. Then I read elsewhere on here that an ECU relearn by doing the "peddle dance" would likely help. I did that too & the problem completely went away. Good luck with it :)
I had something similar a few months ago Andreas. I don't have a throttle controller though. Tony suggested my issue was likely the SCV & to try a bottle of injector cleaner through the tank. I did & it helped a lot. Then I read elsewhere on here that an ECU relearn by doing the "peddle dance" would likely help. I did that too & the problem completely went away. Good luck with it :)
Good Kevin
Read your post and replies, I removed the idrive and the problem persisted, so I got a new SCV, tried to install it today but the Alan key wouldn’t move the screw locked hard. Going to buy a Hex socket set get a bit more leverage.