Glow Plugs

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Jun 18, 2019
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Hi all I have a 2008 Spanish built and usually after glow up she fires first hit everytime. But last few months she hasnt been So I was guessing this is why Im asking you guys could this be the glow plugs need replacing??? After initial start she fires up fine the rest of the day. Any ideas greatly received and appreciated. Or could it be something else.
Thanks for any help .
Even on cold mornings mine will fire without waiting for the glows to finish their task. Luck? Wednesday engine? I don't know about that ...

But if yours is only having trouble in the mornings and starts repeatedly during the rest of the day, I'd suggest it's more likely an air leak around the fuel filter. Here's how to find it: in the morning, before starting, squeeze the primer bulb. It should go firm within 4-5 presses. If it takes more, you have a leak - so keep squeezing it (even once it's firm) and let the fuel system pressurise enough for diesel to start leaking out - that allows you to find where the leak is.

If it comes from the bottom of the fuel filter, the seal on the water sensor inside the filter may not be doing its job. Make sure the electrical connector of the sensor lines up with the knurled knob on the side.
No leaks I could see and made no difference to starting but as usual after initial start its fine all day.
Thanks again.
Ok, then it's not the typical cause. On to the next possibility. If it's struggling only when the air is cold, there might be some dirt in the MAFS. This is a credit-card-sized sensor located in the air tube just in the back of the air pipe a few cm from the air filter box. Remove the screws and carefully slide the sensor out. Don't treat it roughly, it's a $400 donation to Nissan if you break it. Don't stick anything inside it, even if you notice black soot in there.

The way to clean it (have done this myself, and I think I've even posted a thread about it somewhere here) is to remove it completely and spray electrical contact cleaner in the small hole in the side, then let it drain out. First spray should come out black, maybe the second too - give it a few spritzes then hold it while the cleaner evaporates. Reinstall and see how it goes.

You can get electrical contact cleaner from Jaycar, but in auto shops it's also sold as "MAFS Cleaner" and is essentially the same thing.

Just remember, it's absolutely vital that nothing solid (toothpick, brush, Pikster etc) enters the sensor hole. Only the spray.
Done cleaned and still have issue I appreciate the help and ideas put it in the too hard basket it is fine after it eventually starts. Ill keep you updated if things change thanks again for your help.
The next thing to try (again, low cost) is to add some Liqui Moly Fuel System Treatment to the tank. Just buy one can and pour it in - should be under $20 at Supercheap Auto. If your SCV is being slightly tricksy when the engine is very cold, this might help. At the very least, it won't do any harm to the engine.

The other possibility - and you'd need a helper to do this one - is to listen to the glow relay and make sure it's working. This lives between the battery and the front guard. It should click like any other relay when the ignition is turned on (and the coolant temp is below 85C). I am not convinced that this is the problem but then my car doesn't need the glows to start, for some reason I've never had to rely on the glow plugs.
I will try the ideas and appreciated again for the info. Its all hearsay I guess but ever since I have owned it I have only run BP ultimate in it none of the cheaper fuel maybe caltex and maybe shell a couple of times only because I needed fuel and no BP near me but I do regular services to keep her running best I can. But I just have these silly little issues with it that annoy. I have a couple of times run some fancy smancy stuff thru a tank that is suppose to stop mould growing in your tank which it does and it did remove heaps comes out it the filter like spaghetti and tea leaves. Ill try your ideas and get back to you mate thanks again
I used to listen to the BS about "only use brand name fuels". Then one day I'm running low on dinosaur juice and there is Kings Creek Station (NT, something like 300km from Uluru). "Yes we sell Mobil products but the tanker driver mixes some bio in it for us". Well damn, I'll have to chance it...

Best darn fuel we'd ever done gone put in the beast. Dealer was telling me I'd be pulling chiko rolls out of the filter if I used biodiesel and wouldn't you know it, he also sells used cars, so his word is worth ... well, I'll trade you the corner of a postage stamp that's been licked by a labrador. Pure bred, no mucking around here mate. Actually I wouldn't own a labrador, so many of their owners are blind, I won't risk it.
Im not sure folks but maybe I have found the issue with losing fuel pressure not sure how I missed it but I decided to have another look tried to pump fuel up and it wouldnt I think the pump bulb is split or has a hole as now it is wet under it so Ill order new one and put it on and let you know. Again I do sincerely appreciate all the help you give out....THank you all...