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  1. Old.Tony

    Blowing air

    Hi, I'm not sure what you mean by "blowing air", I'm going to assume you mean "losing boost". If it's losing it to the engine bay you'll spot it as a black oily splatter. Is there any sound to this? Is it like a kazoo? It could be a orn exhaust gasket.
  2. Old.Tony

    Hi to all , new member needing help. 😬

    Did you have any joy rocking the car? Generally if it's bound up you'll feel it - it will be very reluctant to move, and you won't be able to push it by hand on flat ground at all. The problem usually exists because although the D40s have a limited slip diff in the rear, the front is an open...
  3. Old.Tony

    New Tub Canopy build

    Looks solid. Are you putting a rooftop tent up there?
  4. Old.Tony

    Fuel system bleed

    I know the primer bulb hardens up in the D40 but not sure how it works in the D22. There might be a return line that spills excess fuel in the priming system back to the tank, which would stop it from ever reaching any sort of higher pressure.
  5. Old.Tony

    Ignition lights everything up but wont crank an start

    It's entirely possible that the ignition switch has let go. Might even just be some debris inside the switch on the contacts - the switch shouldn't actively pass a lot of current (relays are used for that) so it shouldn't be the contacts "burning". Because it's keyed, you might have to either...
  6. Old.Tony

    YD25 Intercooler leak & smoke

    If there's a boost leak in the intercooler itself, replacing it works, but I'm pretty sure some guys have had theirs sealed, I just can't remember how that was done - soldering or otherwise. It doesn't have to hold a huge pressure, I think they develop about 15psi at max boost.
  7. Old.Tony

    Oil leak from valve cover seal?

    Had the same thing done to mine. I asked the mechanic to use Permatex Ultra Blue gasket cement to make sure the seal was good. No leaks since.
  8. Old.Tony

    Oil Lo and flashing oil light

    Hey Dazza, in the engine bay down near the sump is a sensor ith a single wire that should be coming from it, and another sensor not far above it. Check the plug on the lower sensor. My mechanic broke the wire while doing some maintenance and I had this exact error, bought a new sensor, and when...
  9. Old.Tony

    hi! just a new guy with a... pathfinder (R51) and some issues! I'm seeking some help from the pros!

    Hi there! I can think of two initial possibilities here. 1) Suction Control Valve. This is part of the fuel pump on the YD25 engine. Before trying to replace it, try a bottle of injector cleaner and see if it makes any difference. 2) Fuel system leak. It's fairly common - hoses on the filter...
  10. Old.Tony

    Manual to electric Seat Swap

    Hi there, Which model did the seat come out of, and which model is it going into? D22/D40, year etc? If I know this, I can go look at the wiring diagrams and hopefully get you an answer.
  11. Old.Tony

    D23 ys23ddtt lacking power, fuel heavy

    There are numerous things that can affect performance. Wheel alignment - if your wheels aren't aligned properly, you'll not only increase the rate of tyre wear, but you'll use more fuel to do it. Try this: with a similar load as your mate's car, on flat ground, is yours harder to push than his...
  12. Old.Tony

    Help transfer box and Christmas lights

    Just from your description it sounds like the neutral switch isn't being pressed fully. I haven't removed mine from the transfer case, so I don't know if there's any opportunity to adjust them. However, if it's just coincidental and the problem isn't caused by that switch, it's quite common for...
  13. Old.Tony

    Overheating problem

    So she's getting hot under load - it does happen, most often it has one of two causes: 1) Viscous hub isn't working well. Test: get the car to normal operating temperature, pull over to the roadside and pop the bonnet. Inspect the cooling fan while an assistant turns off the engine. If the fan...
  14. Old.Tony

    D22 waterpump shot

    I can't be sure, but I thought I'd seen another post similar to this recently. The water pump isn't a huge job, you need to remove the fan, then the viscous hub, then the fan belt and the pump. It should be do-able with the engine in the bay. I don't know of any specific mechanic over that...
  15. Old.Tony

    2012 D40 no power to auto transmission

    The harness in question is the "Engine Room Harness" and all models have F36 which is the important connector. I've gone over the wiring in as much detail as I can further down this post. You appear to be missing the ECM relay - let's go over what's supposed to be in the relay box on a V9X...
  16. Old.Tony

    2012 D40 no power to auto transmission

    I'd have to go through the wiring diagrams for those plugs, which I can do tomorrow. I've been on the go since 3:30am, I'm calling it a night! I'll leave this thread open to remind me.
  17. Old.Tony

    Hi fellow Navarians. I'm new to the club.

    You won't have the same stores we do in Australia, but you could call 1-888-991-5459 and ask them (Bert's Auto Parts, located in Kingston 4 and Kingston 10).
  18. Old.Tony

    Sluggish Gear Change in STX550

    Is it like gone to "Economy" mode instead of "Sport" mode?
  19. Old.Tony

    Navara 2019 YS23ddtt Turbo Oil Leak

    It looks like it could just be a gasket that's become thinner and is starting to allow exhaust gas or oil (from blow-by) to pass through. Had the thing happen to me, but it was the gasket between the exhaust manifold and the turbocharger. Made a sound like a poorly played clarinet!
  20. Old.Tony

    Looking at a new rig

    That car will have a similar engine to mine (YD25, 126kW). Turbo might be different. The engines are fairly solid. Mistreated they could cause trouble, especially with infrequent oil changes gumming things up like the auto chain tensioners on the front of the engine which causes premature...